Online Advance Course

Online Advance Course

Graphologists are eligible to enroll in the advance course after successful completion of First Degree course. This is a specialization course based on in-depth concept on the application- fields of Graphology by which a person can become an expert in those areas.



    1. Know the Motor function of Brain and Handwriting and Relation to Health.
    2. Training on Graphological and Psychological schools of thought, Research Methodology and Case study.
    3. General Principles of movement pattern of strokes and its meaning.
    4. Writing Rhythm/Speed & Slow writing
    5. Interpretations of finer details, ambivalence.
    6. Insincerity
    7. Capital Letters
    8. Specialisation in Signature Analysis
    9. Learning to analyse any script of any language.

10. Psychodiagnostic Graphology-

  • Schizophrenia including paranoid, simple and catatonic types, Delusional disorder.
  • Mood (affective) disorders including Mania, Hypomania, Bipolar affective disorder, Depression, Cyclothymia, Reactive Depression and Cyclic Depression.
  • Neurotic, Stress related and somatoform disorder including Phobia, Panic disorder, Anxiety disorder, Obsessive Compulsive disorder, Dissociative disorder or Conversion disorder.
  • Behavioral and Emotional disorders of childhood and adolescence including Hyperkinetic disorder (ADHD), Conduct disorder, and Seperation Anxiety disorder.
  • Hypocondriasis

11. Medical Graphology

  • Endocrinal disease/s – Includes Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Hormonal Disorder, Hypo/Hyper Thyroid.
  • Digestive disease/s
  • Neurological disease/s
  • Dermatological disorder/s
  • Gynaecological disorder/s


12. Learning Report writing

Quick Contact

    Upcoming Batch
    Date of Commencement 20th February 2025
    Duration Three Month.(Approx) And May Extend One More Week
    Daily Class Timing 7.30 pm To 9.30 pm
    Total No of Classes 13
    Weekly Monday