Past Programs
Past Programs

Sunday morning crowd at the Registration Counter for 18th Annual Meet of KIG held on 19th January,2025

Our Chief Speaker from Mumbai Mr. Vishwas Ved being felicitated by our Board Members.

Packed audience during18th Annual Meet of KIG , held on 19th January 2025.

Highest Scorer Awardees for the First Degree Course for the year 2024, In the 18 th Annual Meet.

Best Case Study Award winners For the year2024 during 18thAnnual

Anwesha Bandyopadhyay, a psychologist, college lecturer, a graphologist is delivering speech During 18th Annual Meet, held on
19th Jan, 2025.

Winners of QUIZ ON GRAPHOLOGY During 18th Annual Meet, held on 19th January 2025.

EMCEE Nehasree Mundhra during 18 th Annual Meet, 19 th Jan,2025.

Parents of M.C Kejriwal Vidyapeeth are attending our Director’s speech on Graphology and it’s benefit for children on 3rd August, 2024

Our Director is addressing parents of the students of M.C.Kejriwal Vidyapeeth at Howrah on 3rd August, 2024.

Mr.Bose is welcoming by the Vice Chancellor and the HOD of Psychology department of Sister Nivedita University, New Town.

Our Director Mr. Bose ,and our faculty Mr. Sourav Chakraborty with the Faculty members and students of psychology department of Sister Nivedita University.

Mr. Bose is delivering speech in the Seminar on ” Graphology and it’s the importance in Forensic psychology” at the auditorium of Sister Nivedita University on 27 th February,2024.

Mr Bose is being felicitated at the International workshop on ” Writing Cognition and Personality” held at Adamas International University on 14 th March,2024

Mr. Bose is delivering on line speech on Graphology and Forensic linguistic during January 2023,organized by ISDL ,Forensic Linguistic.

Visitors are in long que at our stall in the Science and Technology fair in Hedua beside scottishChurch college Kolkata from 19th January to 23rd January 2024.

Playing violin by Sadhitra during 17th Annual Meet of KIG held on22 nd Dec,2023

2023 Award Winners of Best Case study- Award for Advance Course

2023 – Highest Scorer Awardes of Basic Graphology Courses

Dr. Nilanjana Sanyal Releasing The Book “Graphology as a Psychodiagnostic Tool” Authored By Mr. Mohan Bose During 17th Annual Meet 3rd Dec,2023

Graphologists at the 17th Annual Meet of KIG 3rd Dec,2023

“Panel Discussion” by Panelists Dr. S.K. Chandra, Dr. Sweta Sah, Dr. Hansakinkini Dev Roy, Kasturi Mukherjee & Moderator Shamoita Bose

Receiving memento from Vice Chancellor of MACAUT

Seminar at Model school Burdwan

Our Director Mr. Bose with Mrs. Bratati Bandyopadhyay, Director Shri Shikshayatan College, Professor Samir Mukherjee, Media Science Techno India University, and Chitralekha Banerjee, General Secretary, PRSI and other Board members of PRSI at iLEAD Institute.

Lamp Lighting By Board Members During Annual Meet 22/01/23

Felicitating Mrs. H.K. Dev Roy For Her PhD on Graphology – First in India

Our Award Winning Students For “Best Case Study” in Advance Course.

Highest Scoring Students in Basic Course for Year 2020 to 2023

Engrossed Audience During Graphological Quiz – 2023

Panel Discussion on “Suicide & its Preventive Measures – Using Graphology

Our PR & Back Office Team Being Felicitated

Dr. P. Das Handing Over the Award

Our Editor Of Journal Mr. P.K. Bandyopadhyay Handing Over The Award

Our faculty Mr. Sourav Chakraborty explaining graphology to teachers of MCKV at Liluah.

Award for excellence in Musical instrument

Award for excellence in Performing Arts

Our board members with Guest of honour Mrs. Indrani Sen

Our Director felicitating for sharing her real life experience

Best Case Study Award & Best Literary Award

Student Attending our Annual Meet

Our Board Member Mr. P.K. Bandyopadhyay

Release of book study “Tentacles of Psychosomatic Disorders” written by Dr. S.K. Chandra